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Australia Vacation - Victoria - Twelve Apostles

Melbourne and Victoria: Adventurous and Luxurious Australian Vacation Options

June 13, 202416 min read

Last month, we brought you an exclusive interview with our very own Sharon Tidbury about her vacation to Tasmania. The inside scoop we got was so good, and the response to the interview format so positive, we just had to do it again. Fortunately, the last couple of months have seen a couple of our staff here at Aspire in the US take very different Australian tours, and they even managed to take time out of their busy schedules to tell us all about their experiences!

So start your engines and get ready for the road as we dive into Maria’s adventure in Melbourne and along Australia’s most iconic highway—the beautiful Great Ocean Road. Then, we’ll relax and unwind with Shelley’s serene and pampered journey through the vibrant city of Melbourne and its tranquil surroundings.

Victoria Australia 12 apostles

Maria’s Melbourne and Great Ocean Road Your: The Exclusive Interview

“G’day, Maria! Let’s get right into it. How did you get to Melbourne, and what was the experience like getting there?”


“We flew from Newark to LAX to Melbourne on United, an overall good experience. It was my husband’s first time going out of the country, and such a long flight to do it on! Fortunately it was a comfortable flight, and we were looking forward to everything we were going to get to experience in Australia once we landed.”

“What were you most excited about getting to experience in the city?”

“I was excited to check out all of the street art, which Melbourne is famous for. Many of the buildings have outer walls that are entirely covered by beautiful, intricate paintings and multimedia works. After arriving, I was also pleasantly surprised by the walkway and restaurants on the Southbank side, so I was excited to check that out, and ended up spending a good bit of time there.”

“What was your first impression of the Crown Towers Hotel? How long did you stay, and what stood out about your stay there?”

“That was our first hotel of the trip, and it was a strong start. The service was amazing from the second we checked in - they even offered us a coffee at check-in, which was a nice touch and quite welcome after our long trip! The room was spacious - they offered us the choice of a river view or a city view, and we chose the river, which was beautiful.”

“What was your personal favorite experience in Melbourne?”

“I absolutely loved the street art, and I really enjoyed our morning walk along the river. Melbourne is a city surrounded by natural beauty, and that beauty is reflected in the architecture and commitment to art in public places. If you love art and nature like I do, you must visit Melbourne as part of any Australian vacation - it’s truly breathtaking.”

Melbourne City - Australia Vacation Packages

“After getting to spend some time there, what would you say makes Melbourne such a great destination for vacationers?”

“Melbourne is a city with a lot to do, but it’s easier to take in than some other big cities. We were only there for a day and a half, but we still managed to see a lot of it. The Southbank side and the “downtown” city side both have tons to offer vacationers in their own unique ways - Southbank with its high-end luxury and cultural attractions, downtown for the bustling urban feel and that sense of something new being around every corner. It’s definitely one of the best cities to visit in Australia, if not the world.”

“Was there anything in Melbourne you wish you’d had more time for?”

“I got to see a lot of new things just wandering around town, but next time I visit, I would like to take a walking tour like Melbourne’s Hidden Secrets, Lanes and Arcades, so I could learn a bit more from a guide!”

Melbourne is a city of many hidden gems, and a guided tour along its winding lanes and arcades can uncover many intriguing mysteries of past and present. Click here to learn more.

“Let’s move on to your experience on the Great Ocean Road. Was this your first road-trip tour? What were you looking forward to about the experience compared to a more typical Australian tour?”

“Yes, this was our first road trip tour. I was excited about all the stops we were going to make along the way, and all the beautiful, iconic Australian views we would get to take in during the drive. It was a nice change of pace to be on our own schedule while still having an organized itinerary packed with a variety of amazing vacation experiences.”

“What was the general itinerary for your road trip?”

“The first day we drove from Melbourne to Geelong, to Torquay to Lorne, to Apollo Bay. The second day we drove from Apollo Bay to Port Campbell, to Port Fairy, to Dunkeld, through the Grampians, to Halls Gap, and back to Melbourne. We got to stop and enjoy some incredible vacation activities in all of these places.”

“Tell us about the overall experience on the Great Ocean Road - is it really as beautiful of a drive as they say? Was the trip well-paced, the driving easy?”

“Yes - driving the Great Ocean Road is something that I’ve always wanted to do, and it lived up to its reputation. There was no shortage of beautiful scenery - it really takes your breath away, seeing some of these legendary Australian natural landmarks that are so untouched. The driving was very easy. It was nice to go at our own pace, and we had plenty of time for all the stops we wanted to make. It’s definitely a different kind of vacation - we loved it.”

“What were some of the most special experiences you had along the Great Ocean Road?”

“Where to begin..? You know, Australia is huge, and there’s such a variety of things to do and experience there even on a more typical trip. Our tour to Melbourne and road-tripping along the Great Ocean Road really became a study in contrasts.

“After more than a day in this incredibly beautiful urban landscape (Melbourne), we hit the road and were very quickly in the midst of that famous Australian natural beauty. Our first night on the road we spent in Apollo Bay, which we absolutely loved. We stayed in a tiny hotel on the coast. It was such a tranquil and comfortable experience, just perfect after a day on the road.

“The next day we got up and headed to Cape Otway, another incredible Australian coastal area. There’s a very scenic lighthouse there, and it has some of the bluest water I’ve ever seen. Definitely a must-visit for any beachgoing vacationers.

“And just a little further down the (Great Ocean) Road was the place I was most looking forward to seeing - the Twelve Apostles. It was actually raining when we got there, but if anything, it only added to the drama and the natural beauty. There’s these giant stone formations standing above the waves, and then these massive limestone cliffs rising up from the beach. Definitely one of the most stunning places I’ve seen in my lifetime. Pictures do not do it justice - you really have to be there to appreciate it. If you’re going to Australia, go see the Apostles.”

Vacation experiences like the Great Ocean Road are easier and more fun when you have a solid itinerary, like the ones crafted by our Australian travel experts! Contact us to find out more about how we can help you design your own perfect Australian vacation packages.

“Definitely a location for the Australian tour bucket list… and speaking of which, did you get to meet any Australian wildlife on your trip?”

“Yes, that was our other favorite part of the trip! We stayed on Kangaroo Island, at the Sea Dragon Lodge. It’s basically in the middle of nowhere, total wilderness. There were kangaroos just wandering around right outside the hotel! And we had a balcony over the ocean - definitely a top memory of our trip. I’d recommend it for any Australian family vacation, honeymoon, anything.”

“Without embarrassing anyone, what was the funniest thing that happened on your Great Ocean Road trip?”

“My husband, who was driving, kept hitting the windshield wipers instead of the turn signal, since they’re on opposite sides of the wheel in the US. We couldn’t stop laughing about it.”

“Yes, brings up memories… So, how did you feel after completing this epic trip? What was the most lasting impression it left on you?”

“We loved everything about this trip. It was really exciting to get to show someone I love Australia for the first time, and also to experience a lot of new places I’d never traveled to before myself. The Great Ocean Road and Kangaroo Island are amazing destinations for a first time traveler because they really showcase the natural beauty that people come to Australia for. And Melbourne has something for everyone, it’s really an incredible city.”

“Cheers Maria, thanks for sharing your Great Ocean Road adventure with us! It definitely sounds like an exciting Australian option for all kinds of vacationers!”

After experiencing the thrill and natural beauty of a road trip along the Great Ocean Road, let’s switch gears and explore a more laid-back, yet equally captivating tour through the eyes of Shelley. Her journey showcases the luxurious and leisurely side of Victoria, offering a perfect complement to Maria’s adventure.

Laid-back and Luxurious Tour Options in Victoria, Australia

Every traveler has their own idea of the perfect vacation, from the wild and adventurous to the serene and pampered - and for some people, a mix of both is “just right”. Australia, with its huge size, cultural and environmental diversity, and commitment to fostering an excellent tourism experience, is a vacation destination that can satisfy any traveler’s tastes.

At Aspire, we’ve found a whole spectrum of Australian vacation experiences for everyone, and the past few months have seen a few of our lucky staff get to sample them for themselves. Join us as we catch up with Shelley, one of our tenured veterans, and learn all about her recent relaxing and rejuvenating trip to beautiful Victoria.

Melbourne Train Station

Shelley’s happy Victoria holiday - the exclusive interview

“Shelley, thanks for chatting with me today. I heard this was a very special trip for you, why was that?”

“Well, I’m actually originally from Australia, Sydney to be specific. I’ve been living in the States for years now, and every time I get to go home for a visit is a special one. Seeing Victoria again was wonderful."

“That is wonderful! Now, I know you visited Melbourne and some of the surrounding areas - how did you get to Melbourne, and what was the experience like getting there?”

“I flew on Fiji Airways out of Los Angeles in the exit row, which was worth every bit of extra money. Extra leg room and no seats in front of me!”

“What would you say makes Melbourne such a great destination for vacationers?” 

“Melbourne really has it all. Sporting events, shopping, parklands, animals, nature and great food. Great people, convenient transportation, and very safe - it’s been ranked one of the most liveable cities in the world for years now, and you can tell the city prides itself on being welcoming and accessible to visitors.”

“What were you most excited about getting to experience in the city?” 

“I had always wanted to see the Australian Tennis Stadium. I was there during the Australian Open, and I stayed at the Crown Towers where the players were staying. So I got to meet them up close, which was a thrill for me as a fan.”

“What was your first impression of the Crown Towers Hotel? How long did you stay, and what stood out about your stay there?”  

“The Crown Towers is a very modern hotel, and the rooms were large and very comfortable.  One of the best parts about its location is that we had easy access to many of the best restaurants along the river. I stayed there for 3 nights, and the ease of getting around from the hotel was great. I loved the VIP level, where they serve delicious canapés each afternoon.”

“Sounds delicious! What was the best food you ate in Melbourne?”

“Everything we had was delicious, Melbourne has a reputation for being the foodie capital of Australia, after all. But the best meal, in my opinion, was definitely at the Thai restaurant (Ging Thai) just outside the hotel on the riverfront. The area is full of great options for food, every kind of cuisine you could imagine.”

“Did you get to experience anything new during your Melbourne visit that stood out?” 

“I loved the National Library! It’s one of the most impressive and beautiful buildings I’ve ever been in. Melbourne is known for incredible architecture, but the National Library was in a class of its own.”

More memories made in Melbourne’s sublime surroundings

Interviewer’s note: One of the Australian tour experiences Shelley got to partake in that I was most excited to ask her about was her trip to Phillip Island. For those not already in the know, Phillip Island is an island eco-tourism destination like no other, where visitors can get (reasonably) up-close and personal with a variety of iconic Australian wildlife in an open, but supervised setting that ensures that both humans and animals have comfortable, positive interactions. Click here to find out more about our vacation packages that include this unforgettable Australian vacation destination.

“I heard that you got to visit Phillip Island as well. Had you been there before? What were you looking forward to most about it?” 

“Yes, I’d been to Phillip Island… all the way back in 1984!  A lot has changed there, all of it for the better. They’ve found a wonderful balance between the comfort of the animals and the ability for tourists to view them close-up, and I was very much looking forward to seeing the little penguins in their own environment.”

Penguins on Phillip Island

“Tell us about the experience getting from Melbourne to Phillip Island - is it an easy and convenient day trip from Melbourne, and why?”  

“I did a tour with Explore Australia, which explored both French Island and Phillip Island. Both are just a little ways south of Melbourne. We took a van down to the ferry to get over to French Island, to start - it was a reasonably quick and very comfortable trip.”

“So you went to French Island as well? How was that?”

“French Island is much less developed than Phillip Island. Though there are some charming accommodations for tourists, the entire island is off the grid, and about 70% of it is a national park and pretty well untamed wilderness. There were koalas just about everywhere we went, I loved watching them climb around in the trees throughout the day. We stopped at a local farm, had a delightful lunch and learned a lot about the island. Then it was back on the ferry and over to Phillip Island.”

“What did you enjoy most about Phillip Island?”

“Well the ferry took us across to Cowes, which is a charming little seaside town and sort of the gateway to Phillip Island. There are lots of interesting tourist attractions there. We had a great ice cream, then picked up the van again to get to the park side of Phillip Island. Seeing the Penguin Parade, where the little penguins come in at dusk, was incredible.

“Phillip Island has some of the world’s smallest, cutest penguins, and watching them waddle in together is quite heartwarming. I was distraught for a moment as one baby penguin couldn’t find its mother, but then some other mother penguins very sweetly helped it on its way. 

“After the Penguin Parade, we took the same van back to Melbourne, and we all fell asleep before we reached the city! It was a long day, but seeing so much wonderful Australian wildlife was a memory we’ll all cherish.”

“You also got to visit the Mornington Peninsula - what makes it such a great area for vacationers in general?”  

“The Mornington area is very beautiful, all rolling hills with vineyards and country houses. It’s not that far outside of Melbourne, so it’s a great day trip with wine tasting and good food.”

Mornington Peninsula - Melbourne Australia

“What were some of the experiences you had in the Mornington Peninsula?”

“We went for a wine tour and had lunch at Rare Hare Restaurant at Jackalope Vineyard, which had great food, excellent ambience, and the views were stunning. Then we went to the Point Leo Vineyard and took a walk through the Architecture Garden, which is kind of a modern take on a traditional continental European walking garden. Very interesting.  We did a flight tasting, and had some great laughs with the sommeliers.” 

“Without embarrassing anyone, what was the funniest thing that happened on your trip?”

“The funniest was my friend, who doesn’t drink wine, did the flight tasting at Point Leo, and fell asleep at the counter after 3 tastes.”

“How did you feel after completing this epic trip? What was the most lasting impression it left on you, personally? Did you learn something new or discover something about yourself?”  

“I thoroughly enjoyed all the areas I got to visit - Melbourne, Phillip Island, the Mornington Peninsula - it made me feel proud to be Australian. We have a great country. As long as I’ve lived in the States, and I do love it here, I feel that nothing can ever take the Australian out of me.”

“Any tips or recommendations for those who might be interested in taking this trip?”  

“Yes, I think I’d recommend visitors to Melbourne to stay on the Southbank, as it’s really close to everything you need for a short stay in Melbourne. And I totally think seeing the penguins is a must. If you like wines, you could stay a few nights down in the Mornington Area as well.”

“Any final thoughts for the folks at home?”  

“Look after the wonderful country you have.”

“I’d say that applies wherever your home may be. Cheers, Shelley!”

What’s your dream Australian vacation?

We hope you enjoyed this quick look into Maria’s adventurous road trip and Shelley’s luxurious getaway in Melbourne and the surrounding areas. These kinds of vacation experiences are what makes it so much fun to work in Australian travel—there s practically endless options for all kinds of travelers, and there’s always more to explore Down Under.

Has this interview given you any new ideas on what you’d like to do on your Australian vacation? We hope you’ll let us know about it. At Aspire Down Under, our passion is making Australian vacation dreams come true with expert service and the best vacation packages available. Contact us today to hear how we can help you “Say G’day” to Australia!

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